
My venture into the world of photography, like many before and after, was a tough investment to justify. 

Just like with everything else I do, I tried to do things right, so I looked up cameras: new, old, film, digital, compact, DSLR... And  ended up torn between a compact and a DSLR. On one hand, I wanted the affordability and nostalgy of a compact but also the modularity of a DSLR. DSLRs offer the possibility of upgrading your equipment without having to buy an entirely new camera, so that was tempting.

Never finding exactly what I wanted on ebay, I went to a second hand shop in Barcelona, cash ready, and impatient, just like with everything else I do. I asked around for what I could get with my 200 euro budget, which got a few laughs; the classic: "that won't even get you a lens mate".  Determined, I kept looking and ended up finding the absolute dream camera (for nobody but me) in some obscure cabinet in the back: 

Lumix DMC-GM1

This thing is tiny.

I paid 240 euros for it, which was a bit overbudget considering my salary at the time was 300 euro/month.

It is now broken.